*Esta localidad fue fundada el día 7 de julio de 1857, siendo Gobernador de la Provincia Don Justo Daract, a la par de la creación de la Capilla de Santa Rosa de Lima, levantada en la estancia de Manuel Salazar.

*El pueblo se encuentra en el Valle del Conlara, valle rodeado al Norte por la Sierra de los Comechingones y al Sur por la Sierra de San Luis, y es cabecera del Departamento Junín.
A la antigua Iglesia de Santa Rosa del Conlara, la hizo construir Don Manuel Antonio Zalazar en terrenos de su propiedad y en honor a Santa Rosa de Lima, contó con varios oratorios antes de hacerse poseedora del templo que ostenta en la actualidad. Se estima que en 1896 se colocó la piedra fundamental.
A partir de ese momento los feligreses tienen su lugar de oración y celebraciones, y es un verdadero motivo de orgullo para sus habitantes por la magnitud y estilo de su construcción.

Estación Terminal de Ómnibus de Santa Rosa del Conlara

Edificio Municipalidad de Santa Rosa del Conlara (fotos gentileza de Hugo Sinopoli)
El extenso Río Conlara, nacido bien al sur del ancho valle, finaliza su recorrido de Norte a Sur, luego de recibir el aporte de algunos arroyos que sirven para dar vida a las arboledas y sembradíos de la comarca. Un poco más al Norte se pierde en la sedienta tierra, aportando su caudal a los ricos reservorios subterráneos del noreste provincial.
Este Balneario cuenta también con un sector para practicar deportes, otro sector de camping, con mesas y asadores que permite a las familias pasar un día al aire libre. En el mismo predio se levanta el escenario que da lugar al tradicional Festival del Río Conlara.
Un complejo de cabañas adyacentes al balneario, completan la infraestructura que espera al turista.
* This town was founded on July 7, 1857, Governor of the Province is Don Justo Daract, along with the creation of the Chapel of Santa Rosa de Lima, built on the stay of Manuel Salazar.
* The village is located in the Valley Conlan, north valley surrounded by mountains and the Comechingones south by the Sierra de San Luis, and is head of the Department Junín. Meeting place and thought, the ancient Church of Santa Rosa del Conlan, the built by Don Manuel Antonio Zalazar on your property and in honor of Santa Rosa de Lima, with several oratorios before becoming owner of the temple which holds the current .
It is estimated that in 1896 that laid the foundation stone. Since that time the congregation have their place of prayer and celebration, and is a real source of pride for its people by the size and style of its construction.
* With a neo Gothic, Renaissance details, a bell tower, clock tower and a high point as a reference window with molded vitreaux liturgical reasons, and the image of the Virgin, Church of Santa Rosa is an attractive architectural, spiritual and cultural. This quiet village displays old mixed with modern buildings such as this, where they operate post offices. At the corner you can see an old red box, which is endangered.
Old Railway Station Shows the decline of the country lived in the closure of rail branch lines formerly used for communication between people and vehicles of many agricultural products in the area.
The main tourist attraction of the place is the Spa on the River Conlan, which in summer thousands of tourists and residents enjoy the water and comfortable facilities built by the municipality.
The extensive Rio Conlan, born well south of the wide valley, ending its journey from North to South, after receiving input from some streams that serve to make the groves and fields in the region. A little further north is lost in the parched earth, bringing their wealth to the rich underground reservoirs in the northeast province.
This spa also features a sports field, another field of camping, with tables and grills that allows families to spend a day outdoors. At the same site stands the scenario that leads to the traditional Festival of the River Conlan.
A complex of cottages adjacent to the spa, complete the infrastructure that tourists expect.
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