La Provincia de San Luis cuenta desde este año – 2010 – con uno de los caminos serranos más bellos del País, y sin dudas recorre uno de los paisajes más atractivos de todo nuestro territorio provincial. Es el que une las localidades de La Carolina en el Dpto. Pringles con San Francisco del Monte de Oro – Dpto. Ayacucho. Son 35 kilómetros de ruta pavimentada, en parte con asfalto y en parte con hormigón, ya que sus pronunciadas cuestas y cerradas curvas así lo aconsejan.

Apenas se sale del pueblo de Carolina comienzan a mostrarse afloraciones rocosas de increíbles formas y colores y de escasa vegetación, ya que se transita por la zona más alta del territorio provincial – a casi 2.000 metros de altura sobre el nivel del mar.Luego de aproximadamente 10 kilómetros nos encontramos con el Cerro El Amago en cuya cumbre se ha instalado una repetidora del canal de Televisión Provincial, por ser un lugar estratégico para dotar de la señal televisiva tanto a Carolina como al Valle de San Francisco y aledaños.

El trazado de este camino y el trabajo que ha costado realizarlo, rodeado de una naturaleza por demás pródiga, hace que nos emocionemos por contar con una obra de tamaña magnitud y un paisaje en el que la mano de Dios ha sido generosa

El trazado de este camino y el trabajo que ha costado realizarlo, rodeado de una naturaleza por demás pródiga, hace que nos emocionemos por contar con una obra de tamaña magnitud y un paisaje en el que la mano de Dios ha sido generosa

The province of San Luis has since this year - 2010 - with one of the most beautiful mountain roads in the country, and certainly runs one of the most beautiful of all our province. It is the road linking the towns of La Carolina in the Department Pringles San Francisco del Monte de Oro - Ayacucho Department. There are 35 miles of paved road, partly with asphalt concrete and partly because its steep hills and hairpin turns make it appropriate. Hardly Carolina leaves the village of rocky outcrops begin to show incredible shapes and colors and sparse vegetation, as it passes through the highest part of the county - nearly 2,000 feet above the sea level. After about 10 km we find the Mount Amago on whose summit has installed a repeater channel Provincial Television, being a strategic location to provide the television signal to both Carolina and the San Francisco Valley and beyond. Alongside the descent begins an incredible journey of snails that will take us down after nearly 1,800 meters near San Francisco. It's a somewhat narrow path but absolutely sure, because he was delineated on the old road with all the works of art and elements of security for those traveling through the area. Of course, the drivers of the vehicles have to take every precaution, and ascend or descend - as appropriate - on a mobile in perfect condition. In some parts the road is ledge, and can be seen down the river course. There are many suitable places to stop and take pictures, shoot or simply contemplate the magnificence of the place. Here the vegetation changes abruptly as due to the orientation of the mountain slopes are much more moisture and can appreciate a deep green and colorful flowering plants - at least in summer -. The route of this road and the work that has costs incurred, surrounded by a bountiful nature for others makes us excited to have a work of such magnitude and a landscape in which the hand of God has been bountiful to others. After traveling another 20 miles, which we forded the river several times, we approach the future construction site of the dam over the Rio Claro, a dam that will serve as a reservoir of water for irrigation and human use and as a new attraction resort to this heavenly place which itself already has many corners to be chosen for your next vacation.
The province of San Luis has since this year - 2010 - with one of the most beautiful mountain roads in the country, and certainly runs one of the most beautiful of all our province. It is the road linking the towns of La Carolina in the Department Pringles San Francisco del Monte de Oro - Ayacucho Department. There are 35 miles of paved road, partly with asphalt concrete and partly because its steep hills and hairpin turns make it appropriate. Hardly Carolina leaves the village of rocky outcrops begin to show incredible shapes and colors and sparse vegetation, as it passes through the highest part of the county - nearly 2,000 feet above the sea level. After about 10 km we find the Mount Amago on whose summit has installed a repeater channel Provincial Television, being a strategic location to provide the television signal to both Carolina and the San Francisco Valley and beyond. Alongside the descent begins an incredible journey of snails that will take us down after nearly 1,800 meters near San Francisco. It's a somewhat narrow path but absolutely sure, because he was delineated on the old road with all the works of art and elements of security for those traveling through the area. Of course, the drivers of the vehicles have to take every precaution, and ascend or descend - as appropriate - on a mobile in perfect condition. In some parts the road is ledge, and can be seen down the river course. There are many suitable places to stop and take pictures, shoot or simply contemplate the magnificence of the place. Here the vegetation changes abruptly as due to the orientation of the mountain slopes are much more moisture and can appreciate a deep green and colorful flowering plants - at least in summer -. The route of this road and the work that has costs incurred, surrounded by a bountiful nature for others makes us excited to have a work of such magnitude and a landscape in which the hand of God has been bountiful to others. After traveling another 20 miles, which we forded the river several times, we approach the future construction site of the dam over the Rio Claro, a dam that will serve as a reservoir of water for irrigation and human use and as a new attraction resort to this heavenly place which itself already has many corners to be chosen for your next vacation.
1 comentario:
Impresionante la belleza de este camino!!!
Altamente recomendable San Luis.
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