Para ese entonces ya existían varias explotaciones de oro que estaban fuera del control de la corona española, por lo que el Virrey Sobremonte mandó a delinear el pueblo y dotarlo de autoridades y disposiciones especiales para la explotación del mineral.
Como toda población de la época, frente a la plaza tenía un lugar preponderante: la Iglesia, que en este caso se puso bajo la advocación de Nuestra Señora del Carmen.

Si bien la iglesia ha tenido varias reparaciones y reconstrucciones, mantiene los materiales originales y abundantes de la zona. Piedras de las canteras de sus montañas.
La nave cuanta con bancos suficientes para la comodidad de los fieles que concurren a los oficios religiosos, y la imagen de la Santísima Virgen, preside el altar.

Facade of the ancient Church of the Carmen de La Carolina. This Church was built in the very dawn of the founding of the town in 1791. By then there were already several gold farms that were outside the control of the Spanish crown, and the Viceroy Sobremonte sent to draw the people and provide authorities and special provisions for the exploitation of the mineral. Like all people of the time, facing the plaza was an important place: the Church, which in this case was under the advocation of Our Lady of Mount Caramel
While the church has had several repairs and rebuilds, maintains the original materials and abundant in the area. Stones from the quarries of the mountains.
The ship with all the banks enough to comfort the faithful who attend the church services, and the image of the Blessed Virgin, chairs the altar.
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